Civic Engagement and Governance
We are confident that a meaningful civic engagement is a true and sustainable solution to inequality, with huge potential and capacity to empower underrepresented and marginalized communities that are too often cut off from society. Across the state, we will work to shield and give assistance to civic spaces to thrive and make sure that all citizens have the chance to raise their voices up, influence decision-making and hold local and central government institutions to account.
Creativity and Free Expression
By giving power to underrepresented or unheard voices, we can empower the correct understanding of human nature complexity. This premise enhances our capacity to stand against the stories that impede justice. As a result, we can reduce inequality.
Our efforts tend to explore how cultural stories affect and shape our worldview and how the arts, journalism and film can influence to a more just society. Our commitment is to empower the various networks of cultural creators and influencers. We look forward to highlight the main causes of injustice.
Civic Engagement and Governancesja
Ne besojmë se angazhimi kuptimplotë qytetar është një zgjidhje reale ndaj pabarazisë, me potencial të madh për të fuqizuar komunitetet e nënpërfaqësuara and të margjinalizuara që shumë shpesh janë përjashtuar. Në të gjithë vendin, ne do punojmë për të mbrojtur and ndihmuar hapësirat qytetare të lulëzojnë për të siguruar që të gjithë qytetaret të kenë mundësinë të ngrenë zërin e tyre, të ndikojnë në vendimet and t’i kërkojnë llogari qeverisjes lokale and qendrore.
Creativity and Free Expression
By giving power to underrepresented or unheard voices, we can empower the correct understanding of human nature complexity. This premise enhances our capacity to stand against the stories that impede justice. As a result, we can reduce inequality.
Our efforts tend to explore how cultural stories affect and shape our worldview and how the arts, journalism and film can influence to a more just society. Our commitment is to empower the various networks of cultural creators and influencers. We look forward to highlight the main causes of injustice.