Our aim is to level the playing field so that everybody, despite his ability and background, can take part in physical activity and sports.
We are confident that a meaningful civic engagement is a true and sustainable solution to inequality,
By giving power to underrepresented or unheard voices, we can empower the correct understanding of human nature complexity.
If adequately directed, emerging technologies have the huge capacity to create new industries, professions and employment.
Even with the improvements made through the decades, enrooted discrimination based on sex, skin color, and national affiliation dominates all over the country and is further aggravated by today's challenges.
Në mbarë vendin, nxjerrja e burimeve natyrore – metale, minerale, pyje dhe lëndë djegëse fosile – po rritet me shpejtësi, duke shkaktuar dëme të rënda mjedisore dhe dëme sociale.